The World Inside Me films were created as an online resource to support MakeBelieve Arts interactive touring theatre show Journey to the Centre of the Brain, also funded by the Wellcome Trust. This show first toured to schools across the UK in 2013/14 and returned for another tour in 2016 accompanying the launch of the films. The theatre show and all the films were conceived through an improvisation process. Scripting and shaping was undertaken by Artistic Director Trisha Lee.
The first living things crawled out of the swamp...and a it's a good thing they did too or we wouldn't be able to watch these films. So let's see how much the brain has evolved between then and now.
If you are unable to access this film, which is hosted on Vimeo, then CLICK HERE to watch via YouTube
The films below show you how the Amygdala, Temporal Lobe, Hippocampus and Neo Cortex work together and come up with the answers to many problems. (Also, I thought I'd tell you this amazing fact, that they are doing it right now, in your very own brain, at this very moment!).
We would like to thank the individual brains of the World Inside Me teams at MakeBelieve Arts: Paul Andrew, David Baird, Brett Fancy, Kate Hughes, Hannah Johnson, Ian Teague, Trisha Lee, Jai Vethamony.
MakeBelieve Arts were fortunate to partner with Amulet Creative as our film partner for this process, a relationship that would not have been possible without the work and involvement of Brett Fancy.
We are also grateful to the support of Andrew Curran paediatric neurologist for starting us on the journey to learning about the exciting stuff that happens in our brain.